I love the City of Pasadena! It's a combination of its "small town" qualities, strong historic preservation and european feel that keeps me feeling romanced.
This past Saturday I found another reason to love Pasadena.
They have proved to be a city who cares about its community: what they think and want from their city for its future. The City of Pasadena held an Open House to share the City's plans for the future, share feedback to date and gather new community feedback.
The Open House was held on Lake Ave in the Macy's courtyard and featured a very fun and relaxing scenario filled with live entertainment,
interactive exhibits, food booths, model of the city, round table discussions, presentations and community booths.
An indoor area featured various exhibits on presentation boards listing the City's summary of the top issues and concerns in all areas of planning from general to transportation to land use. They provided every participant with the opportunity to vote with colored dots for the areas they were in particular agreement with. In addition, if there was a topic not covered that was important to you, you had the opportunity to create your own topic on a post-it note and others could also vote on your issue or concern.
One of my favorite displays was the Youth Exhibit. They had gathered books from various youth organizations filled with issues and concerns from the city's own future - today's youth. It was interesting to see what issues were important to them as they all provided concerns that leaned toward a more sustainable future noting water conservation, recycling, eco-friendly businesses, more open spaces for people to gather and more pedestrian ways as top on their lists. It was very promising to read them.
I enjoyed meeting representatives from the City who all share a passion for what they do. I spent some time chatting with Irma who is involved with the Solar Energy programs and Alice Sterling a Sr Project Manager and Green City Coordinator who also gave a great presentation on "What Makes a Great City Sustainable".
It was a great event that I was happy to have the opportunity to attend. I left feeling very optimistic about the future of this great city and I look forward to being a part of its growth.
To keep up to date with future happenings for the City, become a fan on Facebook under Pasadena General Plan. You can also check their website for updates.